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the archives for January 2005

Endsleigh specialise in Home Contents Insurance for people in the UK

Monthly Archive: January, 2005

Noisy Radiators

We’ve had some radiator issues here and there, including hissing, knocking, and leaking (oh my!). I received this article in my mailbox today and thought it might be useful to some of you: http://homerepair.about.com/od/hvac/ss/radiator_knocks.htm

The do-it-yourself spirit

I’m an obsessive do-it-yourselfer. When I needed a big tote bag for the gym, I made one out of canvas. Instead of picking out nice printed invites for our wedding, I designed them – then printed them, embossed them and cut them myself. I like to get my hands dirty. I feel accomplished when I […]

Weekend wrap-up

We worked our BUTTS OFF this weekend, but we accomplished so much it’s hard to be bitter about it. On Saturday, we got up at 8am to get cracking on the wiring. Ahhh, the wiring. What fond memories I’ll have when that project is actually over and I don’t ever have to wrangle with another […]


This link is for Teague, who dreams of using Terra-Cotta somewhere in the house: See the whole collection

Comments are back on track

I solved the comment problem by reinstallion Movable Type (yay, what fun……), so you shouldn’t have a problem anymore. The spammers certainly aren’t. I knew things were up and running correctly because the Online Poker jerks posted the MINUTE it came back up. I love poker as much as the next girl, but COME ON. […]

I broke it!

While trying to thwart comment spam (you’re are not in need of online poker games or Cialis, are you??) I accidentally broke the commenting feature….. so I will be working diligently to fix it. If you’re a Movable Type user, SixApart put out a good guide to beating the spammers: http://sixapart.com/pronet/comment_spam.html

Thrift Scores

After we received a U-haul full of furniture from my parents (who sold their house and all their belongings and are living in an RV!), I thought we would have trouble cramming anything else into the house. But the space seems to grow when we’re not looking. So when I found a matching china cabinet […]

The perfect gift

This set of jewelry strikes me as the perfect gift for any fixer-upper… I mean, who wouldn’t be thrilled with Phillips head earrings??

Progress Report: Mission Knob and Tube

For those of you that are wondering what knob and tube wiring looks like, I snapped a few photos. Knob and tube wiring was common in the early part of the 20th century. I think the old metal boxes and glass and porcelain they used are pretty cool looking… the fraying fabric covering the wires, […]

Before and After: Porch Electric

I nagged poor Teague about this unsightly mess until he finally got a chance to cut and wire-nut the cables… BEFORE: AFTER: This small change makes a big visual difference; it’s also twenty times safer than having fabric-wrapped wires hanging from your porch ceilng. The insurance company (and the neighbors) will be pleased.