Normal 20-something couples spend their Friday nights going to nice dinners, watching movies, hitting the bars… but oh, not us. No, we spent our Friday night swinging sledgehammers in the living room. It all started when I brought home a funky green velvet couch from the Rescue Mission. The conversation that followed went something like […]
Monthly Archive: February, 2005
Our curiousity got the best of us last night; Teague casually mentioned wanting to see inside the cupola, so I told him if he brought me a ladder and a light I’d climb up there. Ten minutes later, I was balancing precariously on the ceiling beams with a spotlight in my hand. I’d planned on […]
Thanks to all of you who have offered suggestions on obtaining/keeping insurance. You’ve given us some really great ideas. I’m working on the situation, and will keep you guys posted on how it works out. For your viewing pleasure, here’s the neglected back room that the insurance companies despise……. as you can see, it’s not […]
GRRRR. Just when we start to get optimistic, in comes some mail to take the wind out of our sails. We’ve been dumped from our homeowners insurance policy for the second time. The local AllState agents don’t want us either. Almighty house gods, can’t you cut us a break?
I’ve decided to add a category for how-to’s, so we can share some of the tricks and techniques we’re learning (and other fixer-uppers can tack theirs on as well). For the first how-to, I’m starting with something easy ;) One of the things we’ve been working on this week is removing old wallpaper from the […]
On Saturday morning we stayed in bed all morning and lazily pondered what to do with the wide-open day in front of us. I distinctly remember saying “Lets do something fun – we deserve some fun.” and “I’m feeling really unmotivated.” So how did we go from a quiet slumber to demolition in less than […]
Our dining room was the first room we really plunged into. It was a room that we knew would look ok with just a quick facelift, so it has been our “showcase” room, the one that illustrates our house’s potential and keeps people from thinking we are crazy folk. I’ve been holing off on posting […]
The day that we moved into our house, we took out nearly all of the rugs covering the downstairs floors. Not because they were ugly (which they most certainly were) but because they REEKED of cat urine. Not something you want to come home to after a long day at work. Luckily, the floors underneath […]
I am in love with our town. It’s a tiny little place surrounded by farmland. We live about two blocks away from the main village, which is full of historic houses and storefronts. They call it “Canal Town” because the Erie Canal was a big part of it’s history. The canal was opened in 1825. […]
For those lucky enough to be within driving distance of an Ikea, I happened upon some purdy wood countertop there – and it seems like a decent price. They sell three different lengths, so you could mix/match or make a great butcherblock for yourself. Check it out