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the archives for May 2005

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Monthly Archive: May, 2005

Things are taking shape

While I’ve been too doped up on prednisone and bennadryl to think straight, Teague has managed to be very productive. Yesterday he started putting up plywood sheets, which we’ll be attaching the clapboard to. Almost looks like a real room! His energy and talent never ceases to amaze me. ;)

Down for the count

WOW. Who knew an innocent little plant could do so much damage? Since my last entry, my poison ivy morphed into a terrible case of hives. And by terrible, I mean that about 45% of my body is covered in red welts and my skin has been scratched raw. Fun times! The hives multiplied on […]

Reparing giant bulging holes in the wall

A few weeks ago, I got this undeniable urge to give our living room some love. It’s the room we spend most of our free time in, but we’ve spent very little time fixing it up. It wasn’t a quick-fix room, so it just got ignored. The huge bulging cracks and holes were artfully hid […]

Yardwork has poisoned me

Another milestone to record…..my first case of poison ivy! I have a nasty case of it, no doubt caused by my recent obsession with cleaning out an overgrown patch of our lawn. I wore work gloves and long pants, and made every effort not to touch the stuff, but ended up with it anyhow. I […]

Change of Assessment

We were notified earlier this month that our house had been reassesed. It went up 8.5% from the last assessment, which doesn’t seem terrible to me. But I have no basis for judgement. In the note, it tells us that we can file a complaint on grievance day – March 24th. On the one hand, […]

Progress Report #1,2654

I’m sure you’re getting bored with my little progress reports on the kitchen, but, well, tough nuggies. Ain’t it purdy? I’ve outlined, in sloppy red Photoshop ink, where the openings for the french doors and a window will be. We’re doing a matching window on the other wall, too. We ended up getting plain vinyl […]

Nothing against pink

Just wanted to note that I’ve got nothing against pink (as anyone who knows me can attest!) – and that the author over at Stucco House has the coolest handpainted hammer. I love crafty things like that! If I had time, I’d be running home to paint mine. And if I didn’t have my own […]

Rosie’s coveralls

I’ve seen Teague eyeing his father’s Carhart coveralls, which are the ultimate set of “play clothes”. They’re rough and tough and will probably last a lifetime. But what about us ladies? Something tells me the Carharts aren’t exactly made to fit us. I came across this site today, and thought I’d pass it along. Rosies […]

Demo is done!

We can get rid of one of our little progress tracker bars, because all of the demolition work on the back of the house has finally been completed! The dumpster was a very worthwhile expense; we filled it twice, and if we had any more room in there I’m sure I could have found more […]