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the archives for February 2006

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Monthly Archive: February, 2006

Your to-do list for Saturday

If you live in the Syracuse area, pick up a Post Standard on Saturday, February 18th and look for your favorite bloggers – one of their very cool journalists is writing an article about us!

Super-girly shower curtain

Last spring, we received a lovely shower curtain from my cousin and his wife. It was a wedding gift, and I adored it. And then, like everything else we own, dirty grimey handprints somehow magically appeared on it. So, I washed it. You would think a shower curtain would be machine-washable, but NO…. after one […]

The prettiest lantern

My friend Jonah is a great photographer. I was flipping through his portfolio tonight, and came across a photo of a truly beautiful lantern: You can see the large version (and his porfolio) here.

Community involvement

A post over at Bungalow 23 got me thinking about our little neighborhood. Lately I’ve been wondering why we’re not more “involved” in our community. I partially blame the age gap – I’m pretty sure we’re the youngest homeowners on the block, and we don’t run into too many people our age who are passionate […]

Oooh, overhead lighting

Yes, we’re moving up in the world. We’ve now got overhead lighting in the living room and the bedroom, without any 80’s overhead fans attached, and WITH A SWITCH! Yeehaw. Because the old knob and tube “knobs” are still in the wall behind plaster and lathe, it’s not easy fishing wire around without getting caught […]

Weirdest winter ever

It’s February in upstate New York, and I just got back from an hour-long walk with the dogs, wearing nothing but a fleece. No winter jacket, no hat, no gloves. No snow! We’ve had the warmest January on record, but the rumor is we’re heading into a record-cold February. So…….. I thought I better take […]

Traditional, with a twist

I’m sure it’s outrageously out of our price range, but Brooklyn wallpaper designer Wook Kim has a very cool take on traditional patterns…

Living with laminate furniture

If you’re transitioning your furniture style from college chic to all-grown-up, you’ve probably got more than a few laminate furniture pieces in your house. And you’re probably sick of looking at their ugly mugs. Right? Well, Ask MetaFilter has a pretty good round-up of suggestions for painting over them, including one at the bottom to […]