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the archives for March 2006

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Monthly Archive: March, 2006

Painted vs. stripped trim…. the facts?

All winter, I’ve been gazing at our lovely interior wood trim and moldings, debating whether I should start stripping them. It seems that all the cool kids have done it, and it looks absolutely beautiful. But it does take immense, heaping amounts of time and patience. Two things we’re usually pretty short on. Teague and […]

More parging & jacking

I know, you’re just dying to hear about our adventures this past weekend. Unfortunately, it’s pretty boring stuff. More parging of basement walls, and more floor jacking. We wrangled Teague’s father into helping us again, and between the 3 of us we made good progress. Teague and Don continued work on the back end of […]

More parging & jacking

I know, you’re just dying to hear about our adventures this past weekend. Unfortunately, it’s pretty boring stuff. More parging of basement walls, and more floor jacking. We wrangled Teague’s father into helping us again, and between the 3 of us we made good progress. Teague and Don continued work on the back end of […]

Review: Family Handyman Magazine

I’m a magazine junkie. I buy cheapo subscriptions (usually for about $5) because I KNOW I’ll be suckered into buying them for $4-5 a pop if I have nothing to look forward to when the mailman comes. Since buying the house, my magazine tastes have changed. I used to read fluffy girly ones like Lucky […]

Levelling the road ahead

We’ve grown so used to our house’s slopes and valleys that we hardly notice them. But when they go away, it’s hard to miss! Teague and his father, Don, spent last Saturday crawling around in the basement jacking the back side of the house. This is the hardest part to reach because it’s partially blocked […]