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the archives for August 2006

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Monthly Archive: August, 2006

How-To’s, On Video

Sometimes, it’s really hard to explain something with just words and photos. Static text is limiting! At some point we’ll probably get all fancy and add some how-to videos to our site. Until we get our act together, check out the DIY section of VideoJug for some great tutorials, including gems such as: How to […]

Gorge yourself on photos

I’ve been a Flickr addict lately, as you may have noticed. We finally went “Pro” so we could share all the photo-album goodness with you guys, since the photos I post here tend to be smaller and you have to dig around to find them. So here it is – the Fixer-Upper Flickr gallery: http://www.flickr.com/photos/fixerupper/sets/

Rainy day activities

This weekend was rather sloshy, so many of our outdoor projects remain unfinished. Teague did get a chance to replace 4 out of 5 broken window panes in the cupola; the last pane should come in some time this week. This is good news, since I’ve been waking up at night CONVINCED that a bat […]

Flipping, ethics, and the return on sweat equity

Christiane of Erwin House brought up a particularly interesting topic: Is there an ethical way for house lovers to “flip” a house? She and her husband, David, have been bitten by the renovation bug and daydream about possibly doing it all over again in another house, but they don’t want to be branded with a […]

Stained Glass – My Newest Ambition

For many years, I’ve wondered just how hard it was to make a stained glass window. I’ve got an insatiable need to learn new things, especially artsy things. I’ve heard rumors that it’s not so bad, especially for someone craft-inclined like me. And oh, the loveliness you can produce if you’re good at it…. I […]

Demolition Red-Eye

Looking at me today, you’d think I’ve either been smoking dope or crying uncontrollably. My eyes are so bloodshot it’s ridiculous. The real reason for this beautiful look? We finally finished gutting the hallway ceiling yesterday, and I have enough plaster dust in my eyes to build a new wall. I used to enjoy demolition, […]

Picket fence hangups

A few days ago I was all aglow about our fence plans, teasing the dogs with stories of how long I’d let them run and play, free from the restraint of their leashes. We’d be one big happy exhausted family after hours of throwing and fetching. But now, it seems that the picket fence was […]

More house voyeur candy

One of our readers pointed us to their site, Central Roost, and I can’t get over it’s coolness – in fact, it’s filling a niche I’d been thinking about a lot lately. Photos – lots and lots of photos – of people’s houses. Tagged and taxonomized by house type, size, and style. Perfect for getting […]

The House Bug – Contagious

Like Jeannie over at House in Progress, I regularly stalk neighborhood houses that are up for sale. Not because I have any intention of buying them, but because the curiousity kills me. If I had more free time, I’d be at every open house I could con my way into. There are two very unique […]

Fascinating stuff: Historic Preservation and Planning

On Friday, an old college acquaintance stopped by to tour the house. She’s been following the blog with special interest because she is currently working toward an M.A. in Historic Preservation and Planning at Cornell University. I was completely fascinated with the idea, the degree program, and her take on how preservation can impact a […]