Saw this on the Martha Stewart site and had to pass it along – it’d be easy to create, and extremely useful (around our house at least). It’s a giant wal-sized calendar, painted using chalkboard paint. With such a large space to writ ein, you could write down your appointments, memos, to-dos, etc… and they’d […]
Monthly Archive: January, 2007
Ok, decision time. HELP! We’re going to go wainscoting in the bathroom. It’s going to be white. Originally, it was going to be 8′ sheets of beadboard because it’s cheap and easy, and looks pretty good. Then I saw this magazine photo of a bathroom with tin tile used as wainscoting, and I pretty much […]
Choosing a vanity for the master bathroom was a drawn out process – much like any design decision I’m involved in. We looked at all sorts of store-bought vanities, but nothing in our price range screamed “take me home”. We looked at antiques, but didn’t want to put a hole in anything too valuable and […]
Christmas didn’t feel much like Christmas without snow, but New Years? With temps in the high 40s and sun all day long, it certainly doesn’t like January in Upstate New York. Not that I’m complaining – far from it. Everyone around here is praising global warming and wondering just how bad a beating we’ll be […]