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More parging & jacking


I know, you’re just dying to hear about our adventures this past weekend. Unfortunately, it’s pretty boring stuff. More parging of basement walls, and more floor jacking. We wrangled Teague’s father into helping us again, and between the 3 of us we made good progress. Teague and Don continued work on the back end of the house, and I parged one of the foundation walls until we ran out of cement mortar – I went through 3 80lb bags for a section that was roughly 7×12. Lots of big holes to fill!

What’s parging, you ask?

PARGING – A coat of cement over block foundation walls, or a coat of plaster over stone or brick walls.

Yeehaw, right?

I took a photo of my glorious parged wall, which is totally unremarkable except for one little thing – the glowing orb that showed up in it. My theory? It must be a baby ghostie. Our basement does look like something out of the Blair Witch Project………

Could this be Fixer Upper’s first ghost? Or should I count the pink flying bits as the first one?

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Becky had this to say on 03.07.06:


Aracely had this to say on 03.10.06:

Oh thank god I found your site. I am a first time homebuyer and an avid (some call crazy) DIY’er. It’s a hobby and a wonderful challenge I am looking forward to. Needless to say I received my home inspection report yesterday and I learned new words spalling and parging. So thank you, I realize that this is something that I can do.

I am going to devour your blog and build my confidence to know that others see the joy in a run down beauty, and that it has nothing to do with flipping a home, but everything about having one.

colleen had this to say on 03.10.06:

so mindy back to the sink, do you like it and is it big enough????? i have a newer home built by amatures. so so many prob esp with the walls and the kitchen. now since the cabinets are self destructing i get new cabinets. im going rustic with hickory cabinets and wood counters and a farm house sink. good luck on your various projects. weve been in our house 7+ yrs and we’re finally getting there colleen

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More parging & jacking


I know, you’re just dying to hear about our adventures this past weekend. Unfortunately, it’s pretty boring stuff. More parging of basement walls, and more floor jacking. We wrangled Teague’s father into helping us again, and between the 3 of us we made good progress. Teague and Don continued work on the back end of the house, and I parged one of the foundation walls until we ran out of cement mortar – I went through 3 80lb bags for a section that was roughly 7×12. Lots of big holes to fill!

What’s parging, you ask?

PARGING – A coat of cement over block foundation walls, or a coat of plaster over stone or brick walls.

Yeehaw, right?

I took a photo of my glorious parged wall, which is totally unremarkable except for one little thing – the glowing orb that showed up in it. My theory? It must be a baby ghostie. Our basement does look like something out of the Blair Witch Project………

Could this be Fixer Upper’s first ghost? Or should I count the pink flying bits as the first one?

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

ben had this to say on 04.18.06:

I am looking at doing some parging and, well I really have not done any of it. I guess I’m hoping you have some insight or some tips you may want to pass along.

Katie had this to say on 03.21.09:

You’re not the only ones to be a victim of a parged wall. We have a parged wall in our *living room* that is rough, uneven and smells moldy, thanks to the former owner of the hosue who tried to cover it up with a flimsy wood panel. We suspect they covered up the original brick wall in our 110 year old house instead of repointing the bricks.

Good luck filling those holes!

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