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Go pro: get a degree

Inspiration, Tips & Tools

As you may already know, I’m an RPI alum. I was an Electronic Media, Arts and Communication major, and I’ve never regretted choosing that degree; it has served me well. But if I had my first student loan paid off, I might be tempted to go back a second time for a Masters degree in Building Conservation. Guess I’ll have to wait about twenty years…..

I didn’t even know this existed while I was there; the program’s blog recently linked to us, which is how I discovered it. It sounds a little bit like Cornell’s Historic Planning & Preservation degree that I blogged about a while back. It is a two-year program designed for working professionals. Classes are held bi-weekly on Fridays and Saturdays, so you could sneak it in without quitting your current job. I know I’m a geek, but I really love learning. The opportunity to learn about preservation from experts, network with pros, and socialize with a group of like-minded individuals in a great historic location sounds like so much fun to me. Makes me a little misty eyed for my alma mater and old college town ;)

Troy NY

Like any nineteenth century industrial city, Troy has had it’s share of problems. But I have a soft spot in my heart for it’s hidden gems, and every time I go back I am amazed by the improvements being made there. The efforts to restore and revitalize the area have really made a difference – it sometimes makes me wish I’d stayed! I lived in a brownstone on 1st street for almost a year after graduating, and spent many hours walking my dogs along the Hudson and meandering through the city streets admiring the period storefronts, brownstones, and deliciously detailed wrought iron railings it is famous for. It’s original charm is so well preserved, it’s been used in a number of movies including The Age of Innocence and The Time Machine.
Anyway, I digress. If you’re interested in the Building Conservation program, more information can be found on their website:

Emma Willard School, Troy NY

Related links:

p.s. – Props to educators blogging to keep their students informed – I think this is a great use of the tool!

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

CPDay had this to say on 12.20.06:

Hello from a fellow Rensselaer alum (BS’73, MEngrg’74 and MBA 2000). Yes, it took me OVER 25 years to return for my Lally MBA, but it was well worth it. I’ve always been fascinated with the storied architecture and history of the glory that was Troy. I have been married to an Emma Willard alum and Troy native (we used to call them “Troylets” or “urchins”) since ’75.

Mindy had this to say on 12.20.06:

Hey there, Chris. Great house – it looks amazing! Love the turret-ish thing, I’m sure there is a proper name for it. Beautiful family also :)

We called them Troylets too – how awful is that? Guess that is a lasting tradition!

CPDay had this to say on 12.20.06:

I must be crazy to leave a link to our Shore House site with a person that’s a real Web designer. Our site is so Web 1.0 that I am deeply embarassed to show it to anyone under age 50.

Truth be told, I’ve been using WordPress for other sites. I love it, but the drudgery of moving everything from the Shore House to a new site has just kept us stuck on my old design. We’ll be starting yet another house next year and that will definitely be Web 2.x.

That thing is indeed a “turret” and contains the dining table. It gives 250-degree views- ocean on one side/ bay on the other. I always wanted to do that…

B had this to say on 12.20.06:

As an FYI – In case you cannot travel to Troy there is also a program in NYC and it is tuition free. (free is good in my book) This might be one for your husband, Mindy as he is in the trade. Other cities might have similar programs. I found this info on the Preservation League of New York newsletter.

Mechanics’ Institute is located at 20 West 44th Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues, in the heart of midtown Manhattan. The Mechanics’ Institute has been providing free classes in the trades since 1858. It has a new certificate program in Historic Preservation. The two-year program is open to women and men currently working in historic preservation or related fields. Instruction focuses on architectural history, preservation history and policy, methods and techniques of historic preservation and case studies of New York City buildings and landmarks. Mechanics’ Institute also offers programs in Construction Project Management, Facilities Management, Plumbing Design, HVAC, Electrical Technology, and AutoCAD. All courses and programs are open to men and women who are currently working in the construction trades and allied trades.

Greg had this to say on 12.20.06:

The local state college has a Building Conservation program. I took a 2 semester, residential wiring course that is part of the curriculum. I thought about taking more classes, but unfortunately I have a big problem with one of the instructors who teaches many of the classes. I’ve had dealings with him through the restoration of my own house and I find him to be an arrogant pr*ck. I doubt I could sit through one of his classes, let alone, several semesters worth.

dulcie had this to say on 12.20.06:

Hey – I’m a former Schenectadian and an Emma Willard alum, and I too have heard that Troy is having an upswing. I almost want to go back! Those NY taxes will probably keep me away for good. That program sounds really great, but it would probably be too long a commute from Colorado. Darn.
Love the old postcards!

merideth had this to say on 12.20.06:

seriously. sometimes i think we were separated at birth.

Mindy had this to say on 12.20.06:

Oh, it’s definitely on the upswing – I would even call it cute these days! There are a bunch of neat antique stores and boutiques downtown in what used to be mostly abandoned buildings. It’s awesome!

Meredith, if you are my long lost twin you’re the coolest sis ever. And I’ll be coming to visit you and your sunshine this winter when our snow and ice threatens to drive me insane.

Gina had this to say on 12.22.06:

There is also a very good distance-learning program out of Goucher College in Maryland. I attended there while living in Texas and working full-time, and ended up with my master of arts in HP.

Great school, wonderful faculty (I was learning from the rock stars of the preservation world!). I recommend looking into it at least. :)

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