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Lately, I’ve been finding more amazing house decor eye-candy than I could possibly keep up with. I love this whole victorian-gone-hip thing going on both in clothing and home fashions, found online in shops like Anthropologie, Urban Outfitters, and Brocade Home. I can’t afford it, naturally, but I love window shopping. It gives me great ideas for transforming thrift shop finds ;)

This article from the LA Times sums it up nicely:

“Ornamentation is back,” says Robert Willson of the L.A. store Downtown. He sums up the growing demand for the carved, the curved and the curious in one word: “maximalism.” He says it’s a reaction to the Modernism of the 1950s and the minimalism of the 1990s.

“People are collecting rocks and shells and specimens from nature and science,” Willson says. “They are looking for unique furniture that goes beyond function to show the imagination and the hand of the artisan.”

Whereas a short-lived Victorian revival in the 1960s emphasized the restrained and the respectable, today “it is done with more style and humor and a little bit of darkness.”

I’m an aestheticist at heart. I love being surrounded by beautiful things. If I had a million dollars, or maybe just a few thousand to spend frivolously, I’d get myself some ob·jets d’art. They’d make my heart flutter every time I walked in the door, and isn’t that worth every penny?

I would start with David Wiseman’s amazing porcelein ceiling installation:

Porcelain Ceiling Installation, David Wiseman

Then I’d head over to Anthropologie to pick up a brass bed, some gorgeous rugs, sumptous velvet curtains and some decadently over the top mirrors to liven up the place.

Anthropologie wish list

And of course I’d get my couches, side chairs, and pillows from Brocade home – because who can resist upholstery like that??

Brocade home Victorian couch

As for wall art, I’d head on over to Etsy (the art and craft capital of the internet!) and support the community by buying directly from a few “unknown” artists so I could spread the wealth.

Bird collage, etsy

Christina Lyon, Bird and Berries Print – 8×10

Victorian photo print, bunny and fox

Gone to Earth, 8×10 print by MagicJelly

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Patricia W. had this to say on 01.10.07:

Oh those costumes are incredible. Or is that a fox and bunny head superimposed on an old photo? Either way, it’s way cool!

Mindy had this to say on 01.11.07:


I think that’s a photoshop or collage job – old Victorian photo with bunny/fox heads pasted on top. But how cute and weird, right? Love it.

A while back I did a digital pic of Teague and I, pasting our heads into an old Victorian wedding photo. Weird effect, but pretty neat. And my friend Ryan did a similar one using the heads of his two dogs!

Ahhh, for the love of Photoshop.

Kristin had this to say on 01.11.07:

Ooh, I love the idea of the Victorian wedding photo paste-up. Photoshop, here I come!

I almost hate daydreaming about winning the lottery. It’s so heartbreaking to know it will never be possible. Anthropologie, oh Anthropologie, how I love thee.

Speaking of the Victoriana trend, even teen catalog/store Delias is in on it. They have an adorable bedroom set featuring a Victorian cameo/silhouette. So cute!

LisaB had this to say on 01.11.07:

I love that an appreciation for craftsmanship and artistry has returned to the mainstream. I hope it has staying power!

If we could just get this concept of ornamentation back into architecture, I would be a happy person. I’m so tired of the cold, modular, modernist style. I like it in small doses – just not entire cities of it.

(that ceiling installation blows me away)

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