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Bathroom Inspiration

Bathrooms, Inspiration

I was digging around Greg’s site last night, since he’s in the process of remodeling his downstairs bathroom and as usual has some great eye candy (like this AMAZING toilet) and detailed information on where he’s getting all his goods.
Anyway….. he posted a link to Vintage Plumbing Bathroom Antiques, a salvage shop in LA that has extremely nice stuff for sale online. Everything’s out of our league, of course, but they were nice enough to post scans from their collection of old plumbing trade catalogs. Since it’s damn near impossible to find a photo of an actual Victorian bathroom, this excites me beyond belief.

I’m including a sample scan of a 1910 New York Brownstone bathroom to what your appetite, but for the full collection go to:
Victorian Bathroom

That’s a pretty complicated bathroom, isn’t it? So many fixtures and doodads, yet no place to hide your makeup and hair gel stash! Ours will certainly be simpler, but it’s nice to see the styles.

They also have some Victorian kitchen photos, but Victorian kitchens were so utilitarian that they’re not much fun to look at. The stoves though? Gorgeous!

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Dawn had this to say on 01.21.08:

I do love this bathroom. My husband and I are currently working on renovating our entire house and this certainly does look beautiful, but like you said, probably not practical. I love the old style tub though

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