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Category Archive: Inspiration

A family affair

You’ve probably noticed that Teague’s father, Don, shows up in our photos a lot. He and Teague are a pretty unstoppable team. Usually, they’re working on our place. But as I mentioned in my recent post from Bar Harbor, while I was vacationing Teague was busy putting a new screen room on his parent’s charming […]

A change in latitude

I’ve been vacationing in Venice, Florida for a week now – I left Teague behind to toil in the basement while I bummed around an RV park with my parents and grandparents. As you may recall, my parents are full-time RV’ers and their “home” is a Mandalay coach parked about 15 minutes from Casey Keys. […]

A girl can dream

We received our Magnolia Hall catalog in the mail today. It’s sort of like touring the BMW dealership when you’re driving a rusted out Toyota Corolla. The furniture in the catalog is beautiful. It’s also so far out of our price range that we shouldn’t even be allowed to caress the pages with our grubby […]

A change of scenery

Yesterday, Teague and I got to take a little roadtrip down to Hazleton, Pennsylvania to visit the Vintage Tub & Bath showroom and warehouse, where we helped review products for their website. The sun was shining, there was no snow in sight, and the dogs were napping happily in the back seat so the 3.5 […]

Bits and pieces:UPDATE

Edited to add: Hallelujah, he found the ring! Third time is a charm, it seems. He didn’t even use the metal detector, just a plain old rake. Good news, since I wasn’t in the mood to scour the dirt again, in the rain, for the misplaced symbol of our eternal love and commitment. It was […]

Inspiration for your outdoor areas

With the weather finally warming up, my mind wanders away from the kitchen to the front porch, where we’ll hopefully spend a few lazy summer nights sipping cold beverages and laughing with friends. Yesterday, I got a great catalog in the mail from Frontgate, who call themselves the “outfitters of America’s finest homes”. Perhaps because […]

Hours of time-sucking fun

Armstrong has one of those “design a room” tools that you could literally spend ALL DAY fiddling with. You choose a room design (I chose one that looks like the kitchen I want to have someday) and then apply wall colors and flooring choices. Good for testing out color combinations and flooring ideas, especially if […]

House voyeurism at it’s best

You may remember this pink and purple gingerbread Victorian from the neighborhood tour I posted a while back. It’s one of my favorites in town because of the incredible attention to detail. Everything about the exterior echoes certain design elements, right down to the flower trellises. It’s on the market now – the man who […]

Period Kitchens

So, though the framing hasn’t even started, my mind can’t help but wander to thoughts of our someday-kitchen. We went it to look somewhat historic, but above all it must be FUNCTIONAL. I’m sure we’ll piece out the renovation over years and years, but the brainstorming phase is my favorite so I dug up some […]

Big screen inspiration, Troy-style

The weather around here is bringing me down. This morning, while driving to work, the temperature was a balmy 14 degrees. The sun was shining so it could be worse, but this many weeks in a state of perpetual cold has taken it’s toll on my motivation. Our house is cold (thanks to ultra-high gas […]