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Category Archive: Tips & Tools

Calculating credit card payments

If you’re doing any type of home remodeling, you’ve probably had to pull out the credit card at one time or another. And the credit card companies are incredibly sneaky about your total payments, APR and monthly minimums. This tool, from Maeda Studios, is the best online calculator I’ve found to help sort it all […]

Traditional, with a twist

I’m sure it’s outrageously out of our price range, but Brooklyn wallpaper designer Wook Kim has a very cool take on traditional patterns…

Fixer Upper on del.icio.us

If you haven’t started a del.icio.us account yet, get yourself over there pronto. For people like me, with hundreds of bookmarks that used to be stored in 6 different internet browsers in two distant locations, it is a godsend. With del.icio.us, you can save your bookmarks in one place (no more “crap, that bookmark is […]

Photshop – the ultimate planning tool

I’m a web designer, so I spend a large chunk of my day fooling around in Photoshop. It’s the kind of software that I just keep finding new uses for, kinda like Backpack, a wonderful (and free) organization tool for computer geeks and listmakers. Lately I’ve been mocking up different kitchen elevations with Photoshop. I […]

Best wallpaper EVER!

Ok, so it isn’t exactly appropriate for a historic house, but this is the most inventive wallpaper I’ve ever seen, second only to Willy Wonka’s lickable hallway wallpaper.

Reproduction wallpaper

Cumberland Woodcraft carries a reproduction wallpaper that exactly matches the type we found when exploring our cupola. They are part of the Cooper-Hewitt Museum inspired line. This one is on the walls and ceiling, and this one is very similar to the border used with it. Pretty cool, right? I’m a fan of pretty paper, […]

Rosie’s coveralls

I’ve seen Teague eyeing his father’s Carhart coveralls, which are the ultimate set of “play clothes”. They’re rough and tough and will probably last a lifetime. But what about us ladies? Something tells me the Carharts aren’t exactly made to fit us. I came across this site today, and thought I’d pass it along. Rosies […]

Save your cash

We do alot of drywall sanding. My technique is getting better, so it requires less sanding now, but I absolutely hate the white dusty film that it leaves on everything in sight. I thought about purchasing one of those $20 vacuum hose attachment deals, until I talked to a guy at the hardware store – […]

One way to sell a house….

If you’re itching to live in Ohio, you can buy yourself a fully-furnished Victorian……. off of eBay! http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&category=12605&item=4359269436&rd=1

University/library folks – Sanborn Fire Insurance Maps

EDITED: Apparently, because I’m on a University campus I have free access to this online tool while others do not. That seems unfair and somewhat silly, but my guess is that most public libraries would have access to this site as well. Or, you might be able to find other online resources – ones that […]