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Elmira Antique Stoves


How cool are these? This place is in Canada, and they make reproduction stoves in both gas and electric.

Here’s the company’s site:

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Kristin had this to say on 11.30.04:

I drooled over those stoves night and day until I finally called about the price and almost fell off my chair.

mindy had this to say on 12.01.04:

Yeah, I figured that was the case – I saw some sites listing them around $6k for a “base model”. Probably won’t ever see one in my house, unless I happen to win the lottery!

nat had this to say on 01.05.05:

We just purchased an Italianate home in upstate NY…a fixer upper. Looking for a web site that discusses how an Italinate House should look inside. Any suggestions? Thank you.

Paula had this to say on 01.01.07:

HOW MUCH in my dreams, any body out there got one???

Mindy had this to say on 01.01.07:

Paula – I think the stove runs about $5k :)

Sandy had this to say on 10.17.07:

That stove is to die for…. but you are right, one would have to win the lottery for sure!

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