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As promised, here are the photos of our hallway after my battle with the rainbow rug:

The disintegrated carpet pad along with 2 out of 3 of the tools I used (the other was a hammer)

The “after” shot. Ignore the unmade bed.

A good shot of the pink tin tiles. You can see where they had a chair rail up – and, the bits of original wallpaper showing through.

The hallway is going to stay like this for a while, because it’s not at the top of our fix-it list. We just wanted to get rid of the smelly rug while we had a dumpster nearby. I feel much cleaner and happier the way things are now, even if it’s equally ugly.

Comments, Thoughts, and Feedback

Gary had this to say on 07.26.05:

Our walnut wood molding and the inside of a “walk-through” closet was painted THAT pink color in the parlor of the “Crackhouse”. I wonder if whoever did it to your hall moved here afterwards(because Dayton is becoming the welfare city of Ohio). Someone must have scored a deal on free pink paint because I can’t imagine someone paying for that particular shade to paint a wall.

Trissa had this to say on 07.26.05:

Yikes- those are great “before” pictures. I like the tin, although I agree the color is a bit much! It must be nice having the carpet gone!

LisaB had this to say on 08.01.05:

Pardon my old house ignorance but – was it common to have tin on the walls? I thought it was just a ceiling thing?

mindy had this to say on 08.01.05:

LisaB –

I don’t know how common it was to use tin on walls. I don’t think that the original home owners used it this way. I’m pretty sure that later owners removed it from one of the ceilings and repurposed it for the walls. Not sure when that happened, but judging by the wallpaper layers and the pink paint, I’d say 70s perhaps??

I’d rather it had stayed on the ceiling, but it is a pretty unique and attractive use for leftover tin.


Jason had this to say on 08.02.05:

Don’t worry. We’ve had our torn up exposed hardwoods for over three months now. You get used to the sight, then used to the idea that you need start saving money to get a new floor to go over it.

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